Habanero the Fourth of July Miracle Cat

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Habanero the Fourth of July Miracle Cat is a heroic Holiday Miracle Pet created by RACCCon 2012. He starred in the Who Killed the Cat With Glasses? special.
Alter Ego: None
Aliases: None
Primary Writer: None
Status: Active Holiday Miracle Pet, may or may not exist outside of early July
Usability: Free For Use


Habanero the Fourth of July Miracle Cat appeared when multiple villains manifested around the Fourth of July. He subdued them all with his miraculous powers.


Bombastic. Proud of being both Latino and American.

Powers and Abilities

He can do miracles. He can even pull miracles from a miraculous pouch. He's used Miracle Pet Wipes to great advantage; these can wipe out pets.


Habanero is an orange and white tabby. He is also the largest, proudest cat who can possibly pass for a formerly domesticated cat in the human world.
