Example-Character Lad

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Example-Character Lad is a pseudo-character created by Cornelius Götz von Olenhusen. He exists only in the continuity-less imprint of the RACCCafe.
Alter Ego: None
Aliases: Exie
Primary Writer: None
Status: Perpetually drinking away his woes in the RACCCafe
Usability: Free For RACCCafe


Example-Character Lad was created by Cornelius Götz von Olenhusen to make a point about the RACCCafe's continuity. That esteemed writer was shocked to find his character had become real, and berated him for not giving him an actual series. He's been stewing in his own bitterness ever since.

He has a recurring problem with being hit on the head by rubber chickens.


Extremely bitter and resentful at his out-of-continuity status.

Powers and Abilities

He may or may not possess powers of some kind.


Male, but otherwise completely nondescript.


Has a super-pet rock named Hudson.
