No Sense of Direction Man

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No Sense of Direction Man is a net.hero created by Steven Howard.
Alter Ego: A'l'a'n S'm'i't'h'e'e
Aliases: None
Primary Writer: Steven Howard
Status: Member of the LNH (Classic Team)
Usability: Not Reserved


A'l'a'n S'm'i't'h'e'e was accidentally kidnapped from Escheria by a pair of extradimensional Bad Tourists and brought to the Looniverse. He helped stop them from starting an invasion, but wasn't able to go back to his home because somebody had already gotten pregnant, so joined the LNH.


Polite. Doesn't have a super firm grasp on concepts like "space" and "how distance works" and "Euclidean geometry".

Powers and Abilities

Confuses the sense of direction of anyone around him. Can move to any place he can see in a single step.


Wears a grey suit with a grey shirt and tie and a grey bowler hat.
