Kid Quickly-Irritated-By-Others

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Kid Quickly-Irritated-By-Others is a quickly irritated net.hero created by Amabel Holland.
Alter Ego: Bryce Banner
Aliases: None
Primary Writer: Amabel Holland
Status: Member of the LNH
Usability: [figure this out later]


"Hey, I once saved Multi-Tasking Man's life. What have you done besides become quickly-irritated and storm out of a room?"
"I stormed into a room, once," said Kid Quickly-Irritated-By-Others.

The brother of LNHer Scary Ghost Lass, Bryce Banner joined the LNH sometime around the millennium as Kid Quickly-Irritated-By-Others. <lots of stuff>

Powers and Abilities

Is easily irritated.


Early on, he... well, he was an asshole, constantly getting into pointless arguments with people and picking fights.


<maybe described later?>


Scary Ghost Lass is his sister, who he was constantly getting into pointless arguments with, but genuinely cared for.
