Maggie Bernard

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Maggie Bernard is a net.hero created by Amabel Holland.
Alter Ego: None
Aliases: Yeaworth Lass
Primary Writer: Amabel Holland
Status: Member of the LNH (Classic Team)
Usability: [should prolly ask Amabel]


Content warning: *deep breath* internalized fatphobia, body horror, alcoholism, domestic abuse, suicide

Maggie Bernard was a fat, gothy young woman who hated her body, a college student majoring in science. There were reasons for this beyond just being a fat girl with terrible friends and an abusive alcoholic mother: every night, she would transform into a horrifying acidic blob monster. After dissolving one of her friends, she became consumed with guilt and decided to atone by joining the LNH, but couldn't bring herself to do it.

After a failed suicide attempt, she encountered an incredibly talkative ghost, Tyler Bridge.

<other incredibly traumatic stuff goes here>


She started out as someone who hated herself profoundly, convinced she was worthless and no one could find her attractive.

Powers and Abilities

At night, becomes a blob monster with the power to dissolve flesh.


Normally, a fat girl with black eyes who is deeply convinced she is unattractive. At night, a pink mass of flesh resembling the creature from The Blob. [1]



  1. Her codename comes from Irvin Yeaworth, director of The Blob.