The Dreamlands
The Dreamlands, sometimes the Dreamworld, are a state of being touched by all those who experience dreams. Reality there is fluid and uncertain, even more so than it is in the regular Looniverses.
In many realities, a Rotanna/Lynk is likely to be one of their rulers and guardians.
Classic LNH
The most thorougly explored dreamworld of the Classic Looniverse is Harnegu, which served as the source of powers for Rotanna. However, it is only one of many dreamlands the Looniverse's dreamers pass through. For instance Mark Dante, a pawn of the Century Pact, created a dreamworld replica of Hell based on Dante's Inferno, where members of Dvandom Force were tormented by their own guilt.
The Dreamlands are ruled by the Dream Court, a group of morally ambiguous faerie-like beings. Among the other beings that inhabit it are the imp-like trickster spirit Mr. Zklmcgyx, Emir of Embarrassing Dreams, and the Death Duck.<more>
See also the Letters Page Dimension.
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