RACCies:The Doctor Stomper Bronze Boot For Excellence In Exposition

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The Doctor Stomper Bronze Boot For Excellence In Exposition is the RACCie awarded for the best informational piece of the year, in-character or out! It was first awarded in 2010.

  • 2010 — Mars and the Dark Age of Superheroes
  • 2011 — ASH Wednesdays
  • 2012 — LNH 20th Anniversary Special
  • 2013 — [ASH]: Resource: Electric Cars
  • 2014 — [8FOLD]: Nonfiction #3: "The New War"
  • 2015 — [LNH]: Looniverse Chronicles #6: "A Missive Received From an Undisclosed Source"
  • 2016 — The Daily LNH Wiki Spotlight