The Normalizer

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Revision as of 00:57, 6 February 2019 by Ununnilium (talk | contribs)
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The Normalizer is a created by Jamie Rosen.
Alter Ego: Clarabelle
Primary Writer: Jamie Rosen
Usability: Reserved

Powers and Abilities

Bruises easily.


Clarabelle acted as an advance agent of the Remimykii, plotting to drain the powers of any net.heroes who stood against him. However, came up against Miss Translation, Time-Waster Lad, Theory Man and Kid Recap, a group of heroes whose powers were already useless, so they didn't suffer any disadvantage. The Remimykii rejected him, and he helped the net.heroes stop them for his own safety.


Tries way too hard, both as an alien agent and as an LNHer.


A suspiciously normal-looking man in a suspiciously normal-looking suit.
