Burst Beetle Tweseveny

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Revision as of 07:14, 5 September 2020 by Ununnilium (talk | contribs)
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Burst Beetle Tweseveny is a net.hero created by Drew Nilium.
Alter Ego: Glenda Gwynnych
Aliases: None
Primary Writer: Drew Nilium
Status: Active net.hero moving unpredictably thru time
Usability: Usable With Permission



Powers and Abilities

Wears a piece of cosmic technology in the form of a belt buckle made from alarm clocks and a cell phone that allows her to transform, along with other powers including time travel and viewing other narrative streams.

Wields the High-Tension Temporal Piercer, a


As Tweseveny, she wears black armor made of amber-trimmed panels that resemble a beetle's carapace, with big boots and gauntlets. Her left shoulderpad looks like a stylized number 2, and her right shoulderpad looks like a stylized number 7. Her helmet has a protruding visor shaped like wide green eyes, as well as an amber crest on the forehead shaped like a V.
