Footnote Girl

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Footnote Girl is a net.hero created by Saxon Brenton.
Alter Ego: Petina Witherington-Brown
Aliases: The Footnote Fiend
Primary Writer: Saxon Brenton
Status: Trainee member of the LNH (Classic Team)
Usability: Usable With Permission


Petina comes from the newsgroup Before her first appearance, she attended a boarding school there, where she regularly had Tom Brown's Schooldays-style Adventures. An unknown force captured her and put her in the armor of the Footnote Fiend, using her in an attempt to conquer/destroy afp. Afterwards, she was brought to the LNH to learn how to control her powers.


Plucky, scrappy, easily frustrated by stupid adults.

Powers and Abilities

Creates footnotes; for the instant she creates the footnote, she gets a flash of omnicognizance so that the details are correct, then forgets it. Trained in wielding a hockey stick in self-defense.


Prepubescent English girl. Wears a typical English boarding school uniform and glasses.

As the Footnote Fiend, wore a black, menacing suit of armor, with vicious-looking razor edges along the forearms and a full mask that completely concealed her identity as well as producing nifty Darth Vader-like ominous breathing noises.


Younger sister of Librarian Lady.


Footnote Girl also provides footnotes for many many LNH issues.