Sexy-Disturbed-Sparkly-Vampire Man

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Sexy-Disturbed-Sparkly-Vampire Man is a tormented creature of the night created by Jeanne Morningstar.
Alter Ego: Unknown
Aliases: The Angst-Ridden Avengers
Primary Writer: None
Status: Active scourge of the night
Usability: General Use


Once, he was the sidekick of Chromium Age Very-Disturbed-Scary-Creature Man. Then he graduated to become his own net.hero, the scourge of Netropolis's nights. Along the way, he had a complex and tormented (naturally) relationship with Professor Penumbra.

When he was first seen in the Spoon of Destiny Saga, he was in a bad way, cavalierly killing and torturing criminals and snarling at everyone. One of the Ghosts of Christmas appeared to SDSVM in 2015 and try to get him to rethink his life and open up to people more, but it didn't take.

Eventually he fell into a depression so deep he didn't leave his coffin for years. Kid Revenant, following the subconscious influence of Golden Age Very-Disturbed-Scary-Creature Man, pulled him out and convinced him to take another shot at being a hero, truly honoring the VDSCM legacy. And... he's getting there.


Originally, kind of a maniac. Always snarling. He used to be a tremendous and frankly murderous jerk, but has softened somewhat due to the influence of his sidekick. (Now where have we heard that before...)

Post-recovery, his personality has gotten a bit loopier and Silver Age-ier. He adopted a code against killing and drinks only animal blood, and is attempting to become something more of a detective. However, he's still pretty repressed and prone to going off into angst-fugues.

Constantly writes angsty poetic narration in his journal, or narrates things to himself he would write in his journal if he weren't in mid-fight.

Powers and Abilities

Undefined vampiric powers, including the ability to cloud men's minds. High level of training and skill in hand-to-hand combat and general crimefighting abilities. Aspires to become a detective and is kind of getting better at it.

Has an Angstcave full of gadgets including the Clue Analyzer Machine (which is always breaking), the Sparklegyro and the Angstmobile. Fights with Sparklerangs and Sparkleropes.


Wears a dark costume that would blend into the shadows if it weren't covered in sparkles. Very pretty. Has a nice butt.


Had a confusing and ambiguous relationship with Professor Penumbra in the past, which ended badly.

The Trivial Pursuer aspires to be his kismesis.

Kid Revenant is his sidekick, who tries to keep his head screwed on straight.



Amazingly, created ten years before Robert Pattinson became Batman.