Can-Handle-Any-Type-of-Change-Except-for-the-Ultimate-Ninja-Wearing-a-Cape Lad

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Can-Handle-Any-Type-of-Change-Except-for-the-Ultimate-Ninja-Wearing-a-Cape Lad is a net.hero created by Arthur Spitzer.
Alter Ego: Unknown
Aliases: None
Primary Writer: None
Status: Member of the LNH (Classic Team)
Usability: Free For Use


Joined the LNH before Ultimate Ninja had ever worn a cape. Then one day...


Pretty together, except when the Ultimate Ninja wears a cape.

Powers and Abilities

Can handle, both physically and emotionally, any type of change that doesn't involve the Ultimate Ninja wearing a cape. Freaks out in any situation where the Ultimate Ninja is wearing a cape, including photographs and recordings of such an event.

It is not known whether this applies to close duplicates, such as Penultimate Ninja of the Oddball Legion, wearing a cape.


Not described.
