Psychic Crustacean

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The Psychic Crustacean is a net.villain created by Jeanne Morningstar.
Alter Ego: Unknown
Aliases: None
Primary Writer: None
Status: Member of the Uprising of Net.Villains
Usability: Free For Use


The Psychic Crustacean is one of the Shining Wombat's oldest and deadliest enemies. After the Shining Wombat joined the Random Heroes, Baroness Wizard recruited the Crustacean as a member of the Random Villains.

After Baroness Wizard left, the Random Villains decided they'd never make it as the nemeses of Z-list heroes, and under the leadership of Mistake, became the Midwest Brotherhood of Net.Villains. They played the East and West Coast Brotherhoods against each other, and the Psychic Crustacean personally helped take down the Crime Empress. This lead to a new, united team, the Uprising of Net.Villains...


Acts like a crab, walking sideways and clanking his claws.

Powers and Abilities

Uncanny psionic senses, probably other powers.


A large, burly man in armor that makes him look like a crab.
