LNH History
This is the out-of-character history of the LNH imprints. For in-character histories, see History of Earth-20 and History of the Looniverse.
The Chaos Age
[1992-end of Cry.Sig/The Long Road to Nowhere]
- April 27th, 1992: Bill Sherman signs off a post by referring to himself as Spelling Boy of the Legion of Super-Heroes.
- Due to the erratic internet access outside of universities in those early days, the early CPDC threads are abandoned until the next semester.
- September 1, 1992: The Two-and-a-Half Month Gap ends with Scavenger issuing the Call to Arms. LNH storytelling revs up again, with all kinds of new authors including Drizzt, Dvandom and the chaos-creating wReam jump in to revive the saga.
The Golden Age
[October 1992-Retcon Hour]
The Silver Age
[Retcon Hour-1996]
- rec.arts.comics.creative is approved. In storytelling terms, this leads to Retcon Hour, as wReamicus Maximus and other temporal threats take advantage of the newly recreated net.reality.
- rec.arts.comics.creative becomes moderated by Russ Allbery.
The September Age
(ends with the end of SotN? and/or Teenfactor)
The Dark Age
(ends with Adventures Beyond Comprehension #10?)
The Beige Age
[Infinite April 2007-2012]
The Post-Beige Age
The Post-Lull Age
The Post-Sabertooth Age