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OTP is a net.villain created by Drew Nilium.
Alter Ego: Olivia Tyrene Pauling
Aliases: None
Primary Writer: None
Status: Former leader of the Dark Killers Squad, current member of the Brotherhood of Net.Villains
Usability: Free For Use


The girl who calls herself OTP is a net.villain hopeful, working her way up the super-criminal ranks. She started off with a bang, pulling together a team of her own and making a good showing against the LNH, though they ran her off in the end.

She parlayed this experience into a position in the West Coast Brotherhood of Net.Villains, along with her friend, Crossplay King. When Mistake conquered and merged the Brotherhoods into the Uprising of Net.Villains, she came right along.


Charismatic, cheerful, manic, rage-filled.

Powers and Abilities

Can unleash berserker rages against those who don't share her ships.


A teenage black girl. Usually wears a T-shirt, pink jeans, a flaring, pointed mask and gloves with long, steel claws.


TLDR is her brother.
