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Plotchopper is a net.villain created by wReam (Who else?).
Alter Ego: Unknown
Aliases: None
Primary Writer: None
Status: Simultaneously member of the West Coast Brotherhood of Net.Villains and East Coast Brotherhood of Net.Villains, somehow
Usability: Not Reserved


Plotchopper appeared out of nowhere to help explain why nothing made sense in the post-Two-and-a-Half Month Gap add-on threads. He became a member of the Brotherhood of Net.Villains in their very early appearances, and has been a consistent presence on the roster ever since.

No one knows who Plotchopper once was. He ritually sacrificed his backstory for power, forging his Plot-Axe from the teeth of the Shaggy Dogs of the Island of Glak.

During The Employee-Empowered, Paradigm-Shifted, Individually-Owned, Downsized, Streamlined, Re-Invigorated Crimes of the Brotherhood of Net.Villains, he teamed up with Demented Designer to create the worst, most cut-to-pieces-and-stapled-back-together anime dub ever, but they were stopped by the unlikely teamup of the Unlikely Aliens and Manga Man. Plotchopper was nearly captured, but abruptly put an end to the plotline and escaped in the confusion.

For a while, he seemed to have gone straight, working for a TV station and gleefully cancelling shows, but when Lagneto brought the Brotherhood back together, he joined back up just in time to get half-killed by Parable. After the Legion of Net.Villains broke up and the West Coast Brotherhood of Net.Villains formed, there he was, back again. He seems to be also part of the East Coast Brotherhood of Net.Villains; it is unknown if this is him being a double agent, a long lost relative, a side effect of his powers, or what.


Obsessed with doing things randomly and avoiding any sense of closure.

Powers and Abilities

His Plot-Axe allows him to cut the threads of narrative. He enjoys chopping plots midstream. Refuses to allow any story he's in to have any kind of satisfying or logical storyline or ending.


A bulky yet nerdy man with some resemblance to Dwayne Johnson, wearing a green-and-black costume with a big "P" on his chest and carrying a plotaxe and a number of smaller plotblades.
