Demented Designer

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Demented Designer is a net.villain created by Drizzt.
Alter Ego: Unknown
Aliases: None
Primary Writer: None
Status: Member of the Uprising of Net.Villains
Usability: Not Reserved


A member of the Brotherhood of Net.Villains from the early days on.

Was captured by the Unlikely Aliens along with Plotchopper during The Employee-Empowered, Paradigm-Shifted, Individually-Owned, Downsized, Streamlined, Re-Invigorated Crimes of the Brotherhood of Net.Villains, but was able to escape.

He jumped between incarnations of the Brotherhood, becoming a member of the Legion of Net.Villains, the West Coast Brotherhood of Net.Villains, and the Uprising of Net.Villains.


Demented. Obsessed with creating fashion "masterpieces".

Powers and Abilities

Responsible for giving comic book characters new, completely terrible costumes. His Fashion Failure Field can warp a target's outfit into a strange new form.


A man in an outfit... better left unsaid.



  1. After Drizzt introduced a new version of the Brotherhood of Net.Villains in The Flame Wars, the next character roster included a full membership for the team, including several characters who had never previously appeared in a story, one of which was Demented Designer.