Chris Melwizcht

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Chris Melwizcht is a totally normal person created by Saxon Brenton.
Alter Ego: N/A
Aliases: None
Primary Writer: Saxon Brenton
Status: Unknown, presumably avoiding net.heroes
Usability: Usable With Permission


Chris is the son of Bob Melwizcht, who, gaining mutant powers in middle age, became Exclamation!Master!. Bob was reformed by Limp-Asparagus Lad, but relapsed, and Chris came after him, wanting to talk and dissuade him from this path.

Unfortunately, E!M! had decided that the way to be taken seriously as a villain would be to kidnap and kill his own son. Limpy and Lipid-Artery Lad fought him, but when the three got into a metafictional discussion about the nature of reality, Chris decided that all net.villains— and all net.heroes— were absolutely insane.


Seemingly pretty normal. Not ready for revelations on his own fictional nature.

Powers and Abilities

Being a dude.


A man in his early twenties.
