Harris the Kiwi

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Harris is a Kiwi created by Saxon Brenton.
Alter Ego: N/A
Aliases: None
Primary Writer: Saxon Brenton
Status: Member of the LNH (Classic Team)
Usability: Usable With Permission


One of the many Kiwis that inhabit the LNHQ, Harris often hangs out with Retcon Lad and friends, and is a member of their tabletop gaming group. He's one of the kiwis who's gone out of their way to use a translation device so that humans can understand them, and served as one of the daily leaders of the LNH in the Infinite Leadership Crisis.


Diplomatic and thoughtful.

Powers and Abilities

Kiwi bloodymindedness.


One of the smaller male kiwis. Often wearing a translator.thingee.
