Hungry, Hungry Sabertooths!

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Hungry, Hungry Sabertooths! is a Classic LNH Chaotic Add-On Cascade and crossover that Arthur Spitzer began in April of 2020 and is currently ongoing.


The lenses of Drama and Comedy are powerful. A plague, a president who doesn't know what he's doing, the stresses of quarantine... transformed into something stranger, sillier, and more dramatic!

Where to Read

Note on Reading Order

When it comes to reading Hungry, Hungry Sabertooths!, it's best to ignore the intentionally ridiculous numbering and read the issues in the order they were posted, like so.

Complete List of Issues and Tie-Ins

  • Issue #6pi: "18.84955592154... Plus a Sudden Jolt of Motivation Means Big Trouble For the Looniverse!" by Drew Nilium
  • Issue #23: "A Treatise on Fantastic Epidemiology; or, Sabertooth Monster Beast Power Activate!!" by Drew Nilium
Issue #1 Arthur Spitzer
Issue #2 Arthur Spitzer
Issue #3 Drew Nilium
Issue #4 Jeanne Morningstar
Issue #5 Drew Nilium
Tie-In: System Corruptors #36 "Hungry Designs" Drew Nilium
Issue #6 "Quarantine Ninja Blues" Jeanne Morningstar
Issue #7 "Un-Curb Your Enthusiasm" Drew Nilium
Issue #7.5 "The Cosmic Confusion Clusterfight" Jeanne Morningstar
Issue #8 "Looniversal Machinations" Drew Nilium
Tie-In: Looniverse Chronicles #7 "So You Wanna Play With Magic" Jeanne Morningstar
Issue #9 "My Diabolical Plans, My Diabolical Plans, and Me" Drew Nilium

Additional Reference Material