Jessica "Jaelle" Ihimaera-Smiler is one of the LNH's most pure fun writers.
She's best known for creating Writer's Block Woman, Mouse, and Writer's Block Woman (and Mouse). She also created Drabble Girl, participated in the Infinite Leadership Crisis and Birth of a Villain, and wrote a bunch of miniseries, including the Bad-Timing Boy-centric It's All In the Timing arc for LNH Comics Presents.
She won Accies:Favorite Writer in 1997 and '98, won the RACCies:The Johnny Sokko 'Come Back Giant Robot, Come Back' Loving Cup a crapload of times, and should seriously come back and write more, because awesome.
In story, called up Mouse during Birth of a Villain to explain a plot point to her, angering the Church of the Fourth Wall enough for them to summon the Cabbage-Wielding Angel of Death.
LNH Works
- The Adventures of Easily-Discovered Man #25 (co-wrote with Rob Rogers)
- Birth of a Villain #2, 12.5, 21, 23, 38
- Carols by Candlelight Special
- Drabble Girl: The Extremely Limited Series #1-6, Epilogue, Who Is Drabble Girl?
- LNH Comics Presents #26-32 (It's All In the Timing Parts 1 to 7 and Culinary Disasters Part 1)
- LNH Comics Presents #45, 61, 65 (Infinite Leadership Crisis Parts 10, 26 and 30) (#65 co-written with Arthur Spitzer)
- Mouse Tales #0-6
- The Return of Tsar Chasm #4-5 (co-wrote with Ken Schmidt)
- Terror in Got.ham City #1-3 (co-wrote with Jamas Enright)
- Writer's Block Woman (and Mouse) #1-39, Apes Month Special