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Mistake is a net.villain created by Jef Kolodziej.
Alter Ego: Unknown
Aliases: Erik the Plaid, the Anti-Messiah of Duplicity, lots of others probably
Primary Writer: Jeanne Morningstar
Status: Leader of the Midwest Brotherhood of Net.Villains, traitorous member of the East Coast Brotherhood of Net.Villains
Usability: Free for Use


The shapeshifter known as Mistake probably has a dramatic and mysterious past that involves secretly being someone's mother or father or something. She was involved with All-Knowing Last-Chance Whiner Destiny Woman before the latter's death and assumption of her current role.

She originally fought the LNH as part of the short-lived Netter Liberation Front. Recently, she resurfaced as a member of the East Coast Brotherhood of Net.Villains – but in truth, was playing the East and West Coast Brotherhoods against each other, as Erik the Plaid, leader of the Midwest Brotherhood. She manipulated Anti-Christ Lad into taking himself down, and infiltrated the West Coast base with the help of her partner, Lucky Chain Letter Lucy. Together, they took down the Crime Empress, and Mistake brought all three Brotherhoods together under her control.


Driven and ruthless, but also really enjoys trolling people with her shapeshifting powers.

Powers and Abilities

The power to almost perfectly impersonate anyone.


In her "true" form, a blue-skinned woman with asymmetrical eyebrows. She can become a perfect duplicate of anyone with one noticeable thing worng.

As Erik the Plaid, wore absolutely hideous plaid armor.
