Tower of Song

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Located in the depths of outer space, the awe-inspiring Tower of Song is where the Gravelly-Voiced God makes his home. Reality itsef was said to be tied to the Tower, giving the one who sat on its throne unimaginable power.

Kid Quickly-Irritated-By-Others and Lunchbox Lass traveled there to petition the Gravelly-Voiced God's aid to stop the Intergalactic Union of Good-Guys Opposed to Non-Good-Guys from exterminating the Bhigghrehenghuyhs. They were horrified to find it had been taken over by an Idolon of Britney spears.[1]<more>

The Tower stands on a yet-unknown planet near the Vast Ocean of Porcelain which, ah, never mind.


  1. Or it might have been Slickshiver