Distraction Dude

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Distraction Dude is a net.hero created by Marie Antoon.
Alter Ego: Anthony "Tony" Andrews
Aliases: None
Primary Writer: Marie Antoon
Status: Member of the LNH (Classic Team), member of the Alt.Ter.Net.Tives
Usability: Usable With Permission


When Webs Tor activated the Nutrionic Probability-Manipulator, a jolt of Improbability Energy was sent through the Dave Thomas Deluxe University campus. Tony Andrews was hit with this energy from every appliance in the room, a wide-spectrum blast that gave him powerful but uncontrollable abilities. Joining up with Glitch Girl and the others who had been affected by the energy, they formed the Alt.Ter.Net.Tives.


Helpful, friendly, but somewhat uptight.

Powers and Abilities

Causes distractions, either by creating them or becoming one. Can turn the ability on at will, but can't control its manifestations.


Wears a tight outfit of shiny black and brilliant silver.
