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Dva/Silence is a net.hero created by an unknown writer.
Alter Ego: Peter Gregory
Aliases: Inacoustic Kid
Primary Writer: Jamas Enright
Status: Member of the Alt.Riders
Usability: Usable With Permission


As Inacoustic Kid, Peter was a minor character in the LNH, but he was kidnapped by Queen Enterprises after the '95 RACCies, although no-one in the LNH noticed. He was experimented on, and his normal silencing powers were extended to a permanent silence field of 20 meters. He was found and freed by Marsha Burgenstock, and with her escaped back to the LNH. They managed to bring the silence field back under control, but Peter now found his abilities increased.

Disillusioned with the LNH (and rather miffed that no-one missed him), he left and joined the Alt.Riders, changing his superhero name to Silence. However, on a mission, his body was combined with Marsha's, creating the entity known as Dva.

Currently, he is happily working as one of the Alt.Riders.

<more from Alt.Riders>


Unsurprisingly, he is very quiet, and is very terse when speaking. He prefers not to act, and will usually only step in to help quiet people down. Normally, he just follows what others do.

Powers and Abilities

He can silence (that is, dampen) noise, flame wars, energy blasts, and kinetic energy in general. If he really concentrates, he can dampen other characters' powers.


Silence wears a bodysuit of a deep, dark colour (it's hard to tell if it's green, blue or black), and what could be taken for gauntlets.


Silence is, obviously, very close to Softcenter, but although she loves him, he does not love her.

His alt.ernate-universe counterparts include Silencer of Looniverse-Focalor.
