Late-Nite Lad

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Revision as of 16:12, 20 November 2022 by Ununnilium (talk | contribs)
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Late-Nite Lad is a net.hero created by Bill Moakler.
Alter Ego: Larry Ladd
Aliases: None
Primary Writer: None
Status: Member of the LNH (Classic Team)
Usability: Not Reserved


Joined the LNH around the time of the Cosmic Plot Device Caper. Became a good friend of Insomnia Boy.


Goofs off when he should be doing work. Whimsical. Unreliable. Enjoys practical jokes, though hasn't tried one since the cherry-bomb-in-the-toilet prank on Ultimate Ninja backfired.

Powers and Abilities

Able to stay awake for ridiculously long stretches.


