ALLiterative Lass

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aLLiterative Lass is a net.hero created by Charles FitzGerald.
Alter Ego: Unknown
Aliases: None
Primary Writer: Charles Fitzgerald
Status: Former sidekick of LetterinG MaN, member of the LNH (Classic Team)
Usability: Not Reserved


aLLiterative Lass was LetterinG MaN's sidekick from before he first appeared in a story. When she accidentally sat on the mystical Seat Perilous, she transformed into a ninja! Nonetheless, she kept fighting the good fight, and when LetterinG MaN was kicked out of his own comic, she became the star!

<so much other stuff from LetterinG MaN>

<marriage to Cheesecake-Eater Lad>

After Cheesecake-Eater Lad's timelines were merged, aLLi enthusiastically welcomed her new family.


Particularly Perky.

Powers and Abilities

Speaks Solely in (Almost Always) Actual Alliteration. Once, a Novice Ninja; now, Martial Mastery.

At least once[1], she was able to Psychically Project "the Focused Force of my Combined Consonants".


Originally, she was a short woman with straight brown hair and round glasses. After she sat on the Seat Perilous, she became very curvaceous, with full-bodied hair and green eyes, and wore a Jim Lee-esque female ninja outfit made of thin strips of strategically placed material.


She's married to Cheesecake-Eater Lad and Petunia Boonspackle. They have at least two daughters, one of whom, in the timeline of Looniverse-3000, grows up to become Cheesecake Lass of the LNH3k.

Former partner of LetterinG MaN. New Look Lass is a close friend.

Her alternate-universe counterparts include Polysyllabic Woman of the Rosterverse.

