Net.heroes on Parade

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A young man with a face that did not belong to him stood before the headquarters of the LNH...

Net.heroes on Parade is a Classic LNH series by Amabel Holland, starring an informal subgroup of LNHers and fellow travelers who face terrible things in the shadows of the Looniverse. The followup to Journey Into Irrelevancy, it follows the dramatic, horror-oriented, and characterful tone of the Maggie Bernard backups.

Amabel wrote the original versions of Net.heroes on Parade #1-23 from 2002-2003. In 2007, she created new revised TEB editions of Net.Heroes on Parade which tightened up the style, characterization and narrative, removing unfinished subplots. These editions are officially in-continuity, and she also removed #24-26, an abandoned zombie-based storyline, from continuity.

It was notable for the relationship of Lunchbox Lass and Groundswell, one of the first long-term ongoing queer relationships in the LNH.

Both the original and revised versions of this series can be read in the Eyrie Archive here.

At the end of the revised version of the TEBs, Amabel promised a sequel, NHOP, which sadly later materialize. Years later, however, she began an LNH20 revamp with that name.


Main Cast

Supporting Cast
