Mister Homage

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Mister Homage is a con artist and net.villain created by Jeff Barnes.
Alter Ego: Robbing Lie-fild
Aliases: None
Primary Writer: None
Status: Possessed by Anti-Christ Lad
Usability: Not Reserved


Mister Homage was once a rip-off artist called Robbing Lie-fild, who clashed with Continuity Champ and was trapped in an alternate dimension. Returning to the Looniverse, he created the armored identity of Mister Homage and took control of the Brotherhood of Net.Villains

During Crimes of the Brotherhood, he brought in a business expert to revitalize the Brotherhood and set its members loose to draw up evil plans and make a profit. Shortly afterward, he set a bounty for Continuity Champ when the Drizztsat was destroyed. CC unmasked and captured him, and he lost leadership of the Brotherhood to Lagneto, who he had a long-running grudge against for as long as anyone could remember.

In Beige Midnight, Mr. Homage returned to as part of Mynabird's Legion of Net.Villains. When the team split afterwards, he started the East Coast Brotherhood of Net.Villains. While the West Coast branch flourished under the Crime Empress's leadership, the East Coast branch stagnated and most of is members quit. But then he became significantly more ambitious— almost like he's a different person... In fact, he was possessed some time ago by Anti-Christ Lad, who now controls the Brotherhood, and his soul is trapped in Hell.


An unscrupulous would-be mastermind who no one really liked, who wound up in a leadership position through persistence and bullying. Fancies himself a businessman, and his greatest goal is to be filthy rich.


Wears armor.
