New Look Lass

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New Look Lass is a net.hero created by Charles FitzGerald.
Alter Ego: Unknown
Aliases: None
Primary Writer: None
Status: Member of the LNH (Classic Team)
Usability: Not Reserved


New Look Lass was a friend of aLLiterative Lass's who joined the Legion of Net.Heroes alongside her. She supported her thru becoming the main character of LetterinG MaN's series, and when aLLi fled to, helped her battle the Evil Nefarious Lord.

She became a recurring presence in the Legion, helping Legionnaires find new styles (sometimes more aggressively than other times, depending on her opinion of their existing style).

<fill in more>

<New Look Lass and Minority Miss>

Historical Notes

There was a New Look Lass active in the 1940s, who appeared briefly in Anachronism Lad. Whether this was a predecessor, the same person traveling in time, or the result of some weird time paradox caused by the Agents of RETCON's meddling is unknown.


New Look Lass is always up on the latest trends in fashion. She's perky and generally helpful, but tends to be a bit shallow in areas not dealing with fashion.

Powers and Abilities

The ability to provide a hero with the perfect costume. She's also a dab hand at attacking people with needles if need be.


A five-foot-seven woman. She wears a different costume each time she appears, often with glasses and usually with tautly coifed hair, but all details can change in the name of style.


Close friend of Minority Miss. Related in a strange way to Firewire.
