Jamas Enright

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Jamas Enright was an LNH Writer from New Zealand, whose career started light, went dark and serious, and then came back to silly.

Fan.Boy and the rather-dark-in general Alt.Riders and World Tales. He was also one of the primary writers of the Infinite Leadership Crisis, an architect and co-writer of the War Without Worlds event, maintained the LNH Authors List, and had the important job of hitting Saxon Brenton with a shoji mallet.

Outside of the LNH, he wrote the very-silly-indeed machinima series Team Xer0.

In 2005, he won RACCies:Most Improved Author, and in 2011, he was the winner of the 24th High Concept Challenge.

Full List of LNH Works

Primary/Sole Author


Wrote Individual Issues

Contributed to an Issue