Casey von Aluminumfoil

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Casey von Aluminumfoil is a net.hero created by Drew Nilium. He doesn't have a superhero name yet.
Alter Ego: Casey von Aluminumfoil
Aliases: None
Primary Writer: Drew Nilium
Status: Member of the LNH (Classic Team), member of the LNH Subgroup Without A Name
Usability: Not Reserved


Joined the LNH just after Kid Enthusiastic and was almost immediately shanghaied into his plot. Together with others they met during a quest to free an alternate universe from evil magic, they formed the LNH Subgroup Without A Name.

He is currently 18 years old. He's a Net.ropolis native and a high school graduate, currently considering college.


The straight-man. Intelligent and somewhat geeky. Courageous. Often exasperated. Tends towards introspection.

Sends text messages with precisely correct spelling, punctuation and capitalization.

Powers and Abilities

Telepathy and precognition (limited to short glances). They're mutant-origin, and powers have shown up elsewhere in his family tree.


Is allergic to dimensional travel.


The Power School 2013 version of Casey, by Scott Eiler

Caucasian male in his late teens. Brown, spiky anime hair. Lanky frame. Wears a black bomber jacket with flames blazing along the bottom edge, black jeans and aviator goggles over his eyes.


He has an unnamed father, mother and grandfather. His grandfather has telekinetic powers and was a net.hero in the 1950s, but the Vaguely McCarthyist Administration forced him into retirement.

Adelwine Aaronson is a close friend. Faded Iron Master is a version of him from an alternate timeline. He seems to have a vague mutual attraction to Mala, made more awkward by the fact that she was raised by the FIM.
