Net.Trenchcoat Brigade

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The Net.Trenchcoat Brigrade, or NTB, are a collective of trenchcoated bastards who are more often than not parodies of various Vertigo characters (most often John Constantine). They're usually mystical, generally cynical, and thoroughly sloshed.

Much like the LNH itself, the NTB began with one big burst of enthusiasm, leading to a Chaotic Add-On Cascade &ndash specifically, Wrath of the Administrator, and leading to miniseries and ongoing series thereafter. The big surge of energy faded, though, by the end of 1995, and the NTB slowly went from an active multi-Writer storytelling milieu to a concept that writers would homage, be influenced by, and use characters from.

At this point, the concept of the NTB is (and isn't) dead in the same way punk is (and isn't) dead. It has given way to new waves and movements which are part of the Lunaverse milieu, drawing on such diverse sources as urban fantasy, queer witchcraft, and magical girls, but still owing some inspiration to the Vertigo-esque trenchcoaters who came before. (And some of the resilient old bastards are still around to give bad advice.)

Warning: All NTB stories are automatically Acraphobe. Swearing, demons, and scatology ahead!

See also NTB Timeline.

List of Members

There's also the Pet.Trenchcoat Brigade (which became the Young Animals).

List of Stories

Primarily NTB

LNH Crossovers