Crimson @venger
The Crimson @venger is a net.hero created by Drew Nilium. | |
Alter Ego: | Carmine Aurum |
Aliases: | Like Rouge |
Primary Writer: | Drew Nilium |
Status: | Member of the LNH (Classic Team), member of the LNH Subgroup Without A Name |
Usability: | Not Reserved |
Carmine was born on the world of Amalgama as a member of the wealthy and powerful House Ferrous Aurum. When the nation of Erehton attacked the Periodic Houses, she escaped her parents' protection and traveled to the Looniverse on a quest to find the Four Atavists.
She took on the masculine disguise of Like Rouge in order to avoid a Women in Refrigerators-type situation, and took on Kid Enthusiastic and Casey von Aluminumfoil in the traditional Net.Hero Misunderstanding Fight. Then, along with Malachite Wendigo and the Faded Iron Master, they set off to stop the Zinc Oxide Tyrant from taking the Atavists...
Afterwards, she moved to Net.ropolis and joined the LNH. She and her friends from the quest formed the LNH Subgroup Without A Name.
A hot-headed warrior with loads of bravery, Carmine usually acts based on her emotions. She speaks in a combination of "florid knight errant" and "hard-boiled gumshoe".
Powers and Abilities
As Like Rouge, used magical devices and Cross-style combat magic.
As the Crimson @venger, uses the net.element of Keystroke for armor and melee attacks (along with some of those magical devices).
The Lady Aurum is the version of her from the alternate future of Amalgama-X.
Tall, muscular, somewhat androgynous. Of an ethnic group that doesn't exist in our universe, with looks that mix East Asian and Middle Eastern.
As Like Rouge, dressed in medieval leathers, and wore a backpack filled to bursting with random this and that.
As the Crimson @venger, wears a simple white martial-arts gi with a red belt, along with the aforementioned backpack. When her powers activate, glowing red typographical symbols cover her skin and clothing. These can be powered up further to become a suit of ornate Keystroke armor.
![]() Art by Pasta Art. |
![]() Art by Pasta Art. |
- First Appearance: Digital JUMP! #1
- Digital JUMP! #2, 4-12, Icosa-Annual, Special #1
- Cover Gallery #3i, 6i, 36i
- LNH Comics Presents #303 (Infinite Leadership Crisis Part 268)
- LNH Comics Presents #510