Mister Matinee

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Mister Matinee is a net.hero created by Marie Antoon.
Alter Ego: Carl Harris
Aliases: None
Primary Writer: Marie Antoon
Status: Member of the LNH (Classic Team), member of the Alt.Ter.Net.Tives
Usability: Usable With Permission


When Webs Tor activated the Nutrionic Probability-Manipulator, a jolt of Improbability Energy was sent through the Dave Thomas Deluxe University campus. Carl Harris, in a funk since being dumped by his girlfriend, was holed up in his apartment marathoning a hundred dollars' worth of rented movies (in '90s money, even) when the energy surged through the TV and into his body, giving him film-based superpowers. Along with his friends, Glitch Girl and the others who had been affected by the energy, they formed the Alt.Ter.Net.Tives.


Adventurous, but has a tendency to get in over his head, especially when his powers take over.

Powers and Abilities

Can do anything he's ever seen in a movie (with appropriate props appearing as needed), as long as he doesn't think about it too much.


Wears a purple bodysuit with a film motif throughout, a pair of sunglasses acting as a mask.
