Time Crapper I

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The Time Crapper is a net.villain created by Jef Kolodziej. See also other versions of the Time Crapper.
Alter Ego: Unknown
Aliases: None
Primary Writer: None
Status: Active net.villain, at least at some points in his personal history
Usability: Free For Use


Once, there was a young man who fell in love with a girl named Tamela. To be who he thought she wanted, thought she needed, he became the Time Crapper. And then... things got messy...

The Time Crapper's first chronological appearance was during the Cosmic Plot Device Caper, where he sought the the Ring of Retcon. He acquired it from The Looker, who claimed that it was part of a system of "checks and balances" against the Cosmic Plot Device.

When the Crossover Queen attacked during Cry.Sig, the Time Crapper assembled a net.villain army to storm H'yyydde'uz. While she was distracted by them and by the LNH, he attempted to take the Crossover Gem from her. However, her power overwhelmed him, and with a last-ditch self-destruction attack, he seemed to die – even as other events ensured a new version would be born...

He was back with no explanation during Retcon Hour, and engaged on a plot to unify and conquer all timelines, turning Contraption Man evil. Unfortunately, his post-Cry.Sig counterpart was messing with his plans, tricking Contraption Man into creating gadgets and changing the timeline for him. Even more unfortunately, Contraption Man's true master, wReamicus Maximus, was screwing with everyone. He threw both Crappers' plans into disarray. Eventually, the post-Cry.Sig Crapper took the initiative and merged with the original (an unpleasant fate to say the least!), forming a single entity – but before they could take revenge on wReamicus, Myk-El came to take revenge on them. The Crappers had almost defeated him when the RACCelestial Madonna appeared, sealing them away inside a port-a-john and flinging them away through the timestream.

During Infinite April, a version of the Time Crapper who didn't seem quite consistent with these others showed up – the pre-Just Imagine Saxon Brenton's RACCies on a Plane Filled with Killer Ninja Gorillas!, post-Just Imagine Saxon Brenton Presents the RACCies Again Time Crapper.

version of the Time Crapper showed up, along with his on-again off-again (and again, and again) love interest, Mother Time.  Through various time shenanigans, he tried repeatedly to save their relationship, failing over and over again.  

warned Fourth Wall Lass

Rung of Revamp


Mysterious, megalomaniacal manipulator.

Powers and Abilities

Mastery of time travel. Has shown the ability to turn heroes into Golden or Silver Age versions of themselves.


A mysterious figure in a hooded robe. Smells... unpleasant.
