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* 2003: ''[[Flame Wars VI]]'' and ''[[Ultimate Mercenary (series)|Ultimate Mercenary]]''
* 2003: ''[[Flame Wars VI]]'' and ''[[Ultimate Mercenary (series)|Ultimate Mercenary]]''
* 2005: [[Amabel Holland]] and [[Jamie Rosen]] form the [[8FOLD]] imprint, which doesn't interact much with LNH but is very cool.
* 2005: [[Jamie Rosen]] starts of ''[[Legion of Net.Heroes Volume 2]]''.
* [[Amabel Holland]] and [[Jamie Rosen]] form the [[8FOLD]] imprint, which doesn't interact much with LNH but is very cool.
(ends with Adventures Beyond Comprehension #10?)
(ends with Adventures Beyond Comprehension #10?)

Revision as of 03:11, 19 February 2022

This is the out-of-character history of the LNH imprints. For in-character histories, see History of Earth-20 and History of the Looniverse.

The Chaos Age


  • May 6: One Steven Librande responds to all this by declaring himself the ingenious Doctor Killfile, who will destroy the LNH with his patented Kill-o-Ray! [1] Various RAC posters respond by RPing as their LNH characters, joining into battle against Doctor Killfile in true 27-to-one hero fashion. This is the beginning of the long RP thread that becomes the Cosmic Plot Device Caper, the first Chaotic Add-On Cascade in LNH history, and the beginnings of LNH as a storytelling universe.
  • Early-to-mid-June: Due to the erratic internet access outside of universities in those early days, the CPDC threads are abandoned until the next semester.
  • September 10: As Scav continues The Long Road to Nowhere largely independent of all the other add-on thread shenanigans, Drizzt begins writing an epic story, involving most of the whole LNH, which would create a coherent plot and sort out the post-Gap add-on chaos once and for all: the Cry.Sig on Infinite Net.Earths! The Cry.Sig, as the LNH's first grand cosmic battle royale story, would inspire the structure of many tales to come, and introduce a net.villain who would eventually cast a long shadow over the Omnilooniverse: the Crossover Queen.
  • September 30: rec.arts.comics is removed and replaced by a number of different groups, including rec.arts.comics.misc, the new home of the LNH – but not without controversy, as some posters see the stories as inappropriate on a discussion-focused group.
  • October 3: Cry.Sig finishes, as does The Long Road to Nowhere three days later. Their conclusions signal the transition of the LNH from chaotic freeform RP to serial storytelling, with posts imitating the structure of ongoing superhero comics.

The Golden Age

[October 1992-Retcon Hour]

  • Somewhere in early October: alt.comics.lnh is created, in an attempt to stem the flamewars over the LNH's presence on rec.arts.comics.misc. However, it is created without going thru the proper channels, and thus, many servers don't accept the group; while a.c.lnh became the group's new home, stories continued to be crossposted to RACM and continued to be controversial.


  • Michael Montoure creates the Patrol universe, the first usenet comics fiction world outside the LNH, laying groundwork for the later creation of rec.arts.comics.creative. Dave Van Domelen was a significant early Patrol author (before leaving over creative differences) and crossed it over with his LNH work.

The Silver Age

[Retcon Hour-1996]


  • rec.arts.comics.creative is approved. In storytelling terms, this leads to Retcon Hour, the LNH's most sprawling and ginormous crossover to date, as wReamicus Maximus and other temporal threats take advantage of the newly recreated net.reality.
  • The creation of RACC leads to the beginning of a whole slew of new storyworlds including Omega and ASH.


The September Age


  • 1997: The spread of America Online and other services leads to a flood of newbies hitting Usenet, a time referred to as "Eternal September." This includes a group of new adolescent LNH writers such as Jesse Willey, Chris Ireland and Amabel Holland.
  • Amabel Holland unleashes a flood of posts and characters not seen since the days of wReam. They were generally poorly recieved, and she has evolved considerably as a writer since then and moved on to other things. However, many of these characters become surprisingly long-lived and successful, including Ultimate Mercenary, Ultimate Ninja's niece Nina (who became Ultimate Ninja II), and Teenfactor's heroine Carolyn Forge (who became Doctor Killfile II).
  • 1998: Beginning of Teenfactor, which would go on for a staggering 130 or so issues in a few years.
  • January, 1, 2000: The Millennium happens. Nothing much changes, as tireless engineers had worked to prevent the Millennium Bug. Several LNH stories, such as Limp-Asparagus Lad Annual #1 and the Alt.Riders Year 2000 Special, are written to commemorate this event.

(ends with the end of SotN? and/or Teenfactor)

The Dark Age


(ends with Adventures Beyond Comprehension #10?)

The Beige Age

[Infinite April 2007-2012]

The Post-Beige Age


The Post-Lull Age


The Post-Sabertooth Age



  1. The thread is titled "Brotherhood of Net.Villains," even though the original Doctor Killfile himself would never become part of any incarnation of the Brotherhood. (Though his daughter would.)