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- 2007 LNH Election
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- 58.5
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- ALLiterative Lass (series)
- ATV Frank
- A Drop of Blood
- A Kiwi Carol
- Aaron S. Veenstra
- Aaron Veenstra
- Abandoned Amusement Park
- Abhay Khosla
- Absurd Lass
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- Accies:Favorite LNHer
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- Accies:The Johnny Sokko 'Come Back Giant Robot, Come Back' Loving Cup
- Accies:The Newbie Award
- Accies Favorite Supporting Character
- Acolytes of Dfandom
- Acraphobe
- Action League: New Brunswick
- Action League: New Brunswick (series)
- Action League New Brunswick (series)
- Action Lord
- Acton Lord
- Acton Lord (20)
- Acton Lord (Classic)
- Acton Lord (series)
- Acton Lord II
- Acton Lord V
- Acton Lord VI
- Adamant Authority-on-Everything
- Aeneas Boddy
- Aeneas and Ferris
- Agent
- Agent 1234
- Agent Bennigan
- Agent M
- Agent Mephitidae
- Agents of P.U.L.P.
- Albanian Avenger
- Alicia Avenue
- All-Knowing Last-Chance Whiner Destiny Woman
- All Things Dark and Scary
- Allison Delphi
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- Amabel Holland
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- Amalgama-X
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- Amorphous Lad
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- Anal-Retentive Archive Kid
- Anal-Retentive Archive Kid I
- Anal-Retentive Archive Kid II
- Analytic
- Andale Atoll
- Andre Condon
- Andrea the Ticker-Tape Reader
- Andrew Burton
- Andrew Foltz
- Android Barbarian
- Angst
- Anime Freak
- Annihilator
- Anomaly
- Another LNH Title? Really?
- Answer
- Anthony Ringwalski
- Anthony Ringwelski
- Anti-Christ Lad
- Anti-Moderator
- Antikythera
- Antimatter Universe of Thhhppp
- Antiochus V
- Antipodean Antics
- Anything-You-Can-Do-I-Can-Do-Better Lad
- Aotearoa
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- Apocryphal Man
- Apocryphal Universe
- Apoochcalypse
- Apostrophe
- Appallingly Tasteless Man
- April White
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- Arthur E.L. Presence
- Arthur Spitzer
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- Atomic Rabbit
- August One
- August Paul Yang
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- Barrage
- Bart Sears
- Bart the Dark Receptionist
- Before God Guys
- Beige Clock Tower
- Beige Countdown
- Beige Midnight
- Beige Noon
- Bellerophon Gambit
- Ben Brown
- Ben Pierce
- Ben Rawluk
- Benjamin Pierce
- Betamax
- Betterman's Last Flight
- Bhigghrehenghuyhs
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- Big Barbie
- Bill Sherman
- Birds Fly
- Birth of a Villain
- Bite-Size Tales of the LNH v20
- Bitmask
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- Black Brady
- Black Halo
- Black Minnie
- Black September
- Blackbird
- Bladed Lad
- Blaze of Glory
- Bludwulf
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- Blue Bottle
- Blue Wave
- Bluetooth
- Bob Melwizcht (20)
- Bogusite
- Book of Deus ex Machinas
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- Boontown University
- Boring Arthur
- Boris Wippleshod
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- Boss Supreme
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- Boy Redundant Lad (series)
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- Brian Mendus
- Brian Perler
- Brian the Objectivist Pizza Boy
- Bride of C'thulhu
- Brotherhood of Net.Villains
- Browsing Boy
- Bryttle Brothers
- Bullet Hell
- Bunzai's Pizza
- Burning Bra Lass
- Burst Beetle
- Burst Beetle M-Plot
- Burst Beetle Tweseveny
- Burst Beetle Tweseveny (series)
- Burst Beetle XOX
- Butt Kickin' Guy
- Byron Molix
- C'mon
- C.H.E.E.E.Z. Corps
- C.H.E.E.E.Z. Corps (series)
- Cabbage-Wielding Angel of Death
- Cabell
- California Kid
- Call to Arms
- Calling Doctor Variel
- Cameo Gonzaga
- Campbell March
- Can't Get a Break at the Lights, Man
- Can-Handle-Any-Type-of-Change-Except-for-the-Ultimate-Ninja-Wearing-a-Cape Lad
- Canada
- Candice the Kiwi
- Cannon Fodder
- Cap'n Quaaludes
- Captain Backdate
- Captain Britcom
- Captain Caffeine
- Captain Cleanup
- Captain Continuity
- Captain Coredump
- Captain Coredump I
- Captain Coredump II
- Captain Corrector
- Captain Killfile (20)
- Captain Killfile (Classic)
- Captain LNH
- Captain Minority
- Captain Napalm
- Captain Pulls-Rabbits-Out-of-Hats
- Captain Rat Creature
- Carl Burke
- Carl Shepherd
- Carols by Candlelight Special
- Carolyn Forge
- Carolyn Vaughan
- Cascaders
- Casey von Aluminumfoil
- Cat Lady
- Catalyst Lass
- Catalytic Conversions
- Catastrophe
- Cauliflower (series)
- Cauliflower the Christmas Miracle Pooch
- Cauliflower the Christmas Miracle Pooch (series)
- Century Pact
- Chad Imbrogno
- Chair
- Challenger
- Challengers of the Abominable
- Challengers of the Abominable (series)
- Chancellor Wyatt
- Chaos Theory
- Chaotic Add-On Cascade
- Character Usability
- Charles Edward Cheval
- Charles FitzGerald
- Charlie Risk
- Chatillon
- Cheap Costume Man
- Cheeez Arrow
- Cheeez Wiz
- Cheeezarr
- Cheesecake-Eater Lad
- Cheesecake-Eater Lad Strikes Back
- Cheesecake Eater Lad
- Cheesecake Lass
- Chesspiece Face
- Chinese Guy
- Chop
- Chris Gumprich
- Chris Ireland
- Chris Meadows
- Chris Melwizcht
- Chris Sypal
- Christmas
- Chuggernaut
- Church of the Fourth Wall
- Circe
- Classic LNH
- Classic LNH Adventure
- Classic LNH Adventures
- Classic LNH Timeline
- Classic Looniverse
- Classics Squad
- Claymore the Sig.Warrior
- Cliche Dude
- Clogs of Comedy
- Clone of the Giant Sewer Rat
- Clueless Lad
- Clueless Lad Team-Up
- ColdHeart
- Color Error Man
- Coma Kid
- Coma Kid and Continuity Champ Junior
- Comedy
- Comics Snob Boy
- Comics Snob Boy II
- Coming to Grief